Monday, 11 March 2013

~Apa Saya Makan~

Salam Semua,

Setelah sekian lama membuat blog, sekarang baru rasa nak tulis sesuatu..haha. (Saya memang mcm ni). First entry nak cerita pasal health product. Lately, I've been wondering what should I consume to get a good health, beauty skin..bla bla. FYI, kulit ambe tidaklah seputih gebu mana...kulit biasa yang berminyak thap boleh goreng ikan bila lapar...haa. Sangat tidak menarik and plus...ambe tak suka mekap.the first product I bought for my skin and health:

Evening Primrose Oil (EPO)

1.    Ni namanya EPO, ambe beli kat cosway.. Ada 50 softgels, boleh la thn  sebulan (?) hehehe.. sppttnya dah habis, tp ambe ni mmg xdisplin skit kalu bab2 ubt ni. Honestly, not a good choice. it may be good if u take it for a long term but ambe not that commit...still have it. Tak abis2 pon..hehe

Cocoa Collagen Power Plus

2.   This one...ermmm ambe try it out after being possess by my ma (kuang kuang kuang). She bought it, consume it and like it. Taste is good, I can drink it up to 2 sachet..but nothing good happen to me (and end up adding a few kg!!!!STRESS). As for my ma : her skin tone become better, she become more energetic and lost a few kg within 1 month..katanya la.So, lets say this is genotype dependent..haha...i'm out!

IZ Pure Collagen
3.   Iz pure can refer it anywhere about the good thing on this product..and DR SHEIKH MUZAPHAR also consume it...ambe dare to take the challenge! hahaha. today is my 3rd day..nothing major changes..well im not expecting anythin yet but the best thing happened to me for the past few days - senang bangun pagi!!! now ambe can wake up even before subuh...5.30 am? no more problem...haha. Tunggu la ambe update what happened after 2 weeks...after 2 weeks ea..lets see!


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